End Of The Year BBQ

Come Join Us!

Our annual end-of-the-year BBQ for First Tee families is the perfect way we wrap up the programming season with a sizzle! We fire up the grill, bring together delicious food, and create a festive atmosphere for everyone to enjoy. It’s a time to celebrate the dedication of our First Tee participants, their families, and coaches. Can’t wait to see you there every year.

Free Equipment, Clothes, and More!

Free? Yup that’s right, FREE! Throughout the year we receive donations of clothes, shoes, golf balls, clubs, headcovers, golf bags, and more. At the end of the year we put all our donations out for our First Tee families to pick through and take home.

Par-tee On The Green

Prior to the BBQ we host a End Of The Year Tournament for First Tee – GVR participants  and their families.